Protect Your Children

Discover Your Parental Rights in Education

The Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution confirms that the powers not given to the federal government are reserved to the states or to the people — including the power over education. Most people don’t realize that each state’s constitution, laws, and rules govern public education, not the federal government. Plus, parental educational rights are protected under both their state and federal constitutions. In short, parents have far more rights than they realize.

Laws, Rules, and Rights:
A Guide to Protecting Children in Public Schools

An Essential Resource for Parents and Educators

With controversial educational materials on the rise and tensions at an all-time high, many people don’t know how to respond to them. Most American parents don’t realize the amount of control they have over their child’s education.

Laws, Rules, and Rights: A Guide to Protecting Children in Public Schools is a brand-new, comprehensive guidebook that helps parents and educators understand their state-based school laws and parental rights in education, and provides the tools needed to exercise them effectively.

Praise for Laws, Rules, and Rights

“Having spent 43 years as a K-12 public school teacher, coach, middle and high school principal, and 17...
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Jim Ryan, Ed.D., Retired Superintendent
Plymouth-Canton Community Schools, Michigan
“Having spent 43 years as a K-12 public school teacher, coach, middle and high school principal, and 17 years as a school superintendent, I read with great interest Laws, Rules, and Rights: A Guide to Protecting Children in Public Schools … It summarized everything one needed to know about education in the United States, and how public education operates at the federal, state, and local levels … It explained the rules, and how to advocate, and gave clear examples of how to proceed in a professional manner. I heartily endorse this book to advocate for children and encourage parents and school professionals.”
Jim Ryan, Ed.D., Retired Superintendent
Plymouth-Canton Community Schools, Michigan
“Today, many parents feel the need to ‘protect’ their children in public school [but] few people understand the inner workings of...
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Ollie L. Garmon III, Retired Judge
Atlanta, Georgia
“Today, many parents feel the need to ‘protect’ their children in public school [but] few people understand the inner workings of the public school system. Kelly Himes Brolly has succeeded in writing this excellent book to educate and equip both parents and educators about the laws and rules that govern public school … This guide is a must-have tool for parents who need to effectively navigate the complexities of legal issues impacting their children in public school.”
Ollie L. Garmon III, Retired Judge
Atlanta, Georgia

Understand Your Rights in Your Child’s Education

You don’t need to be a lawyer to protect your child.You just need to know how state school laws and rules affect your child’s education and how to leverage your constitutional rights.

Now, more than ever, knowledge of education law is vital for parents like you. The right to a free public education K-12 is guaranteed by each state’s constitution, as well as state school laws and rules. Your child’s school experience should provide education, not indoctrination. In this practical new book by Kelly Himes Brolly, you’ll find:

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

The State School System That Governs Public Schools K-12

To many people’s surprise, all 50 state constitutions guarantee the right to a public education, which according to the U.S. Supreme Court, “is perhaps the most important function of state and local governments.”1 To visualize each state’s public school system, see the diagram above. The foundation of “We the People” is at its base, then the “U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights,” and then the “Tenth Amendment,” which reserves the power over education to the states or to the people …

Federal and State
Constitutional Rights

All 50 state constitutions have an “education article” which establishes the state’s authority over public education and the people’s right to a public education. Also, all state constitutions include a bill of rights or a declaration of rights like the U.S. Constitution’s Bill of Rights. For example, the Georgia Constitution’s Bill of Rights protects: life, liberty, property, freedom of conscience and religion, freedom of speech and the press, the right to keep and bear arms, the right to assemble and petition the government, the right to a trial by jury, and protections against illegal searches and seizures, to name a few. Each state also recognizes parental rights …

Applying What You Have Learned
To Protect Your Children

If you are interested in applying this information individually or with others in your community, here are some ideas to get you started.

Submit a Parent Opt-Out of Specific Instructional Materials and Content
• Parents can submit an opt-out based on parental rights, the right to free exercise of religion, and the right to freedom of speech, which are guaranteed under the federal and state constitutions. To see a blank sample opt-out, go to Appendix A …

About the Author

Kelly Himes Brolly is an educator and attorney with extensive experience in the realm of education law. More than that, she is a concerned parent, just like you. Recognizing the current state of the American public education system, Kelly took it upon herself to create a resource for parents and educators alike to better grasp the state school laws and rules and the federal and state constitutional rights that govern their children’s public schooling K-12.

Work With Kelly

Kelly Himes Brolly of Double Umbrella Publications, LLC, offers writing, podcast, speaking, and consulting services. To learn more, or to request services, contact us.

Get Your Copy Today

Whether you’re a parent, an educator, or anyone with a vested interest in public education, there’s no better time than now to equip yourself to protect children.

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